Encouraging Polling Data, Needed Emergency Campaign Unveiled
WASHINGTON, D.C.— Yesterday, Members of the U.S. Senate and House, together with leaders of the Sovereignty Coalition, held a Capitol Hill press conference to voice their opposition to the imminent adoption of two World Health Organization (WHO) treaties that are set to be agreed to in just 37 days. Participants denounced the Biden administration’s intention to approve these treaties that surrender U.S. sovereignty, compromise states’ rights, and undermine, if not terminate, constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.

They also presented new poll results showing likely voters’ strong opposition to the sorts of treaties being stealthily negotiated in Geneva. Coalition representatives announced a new “Not Now” emergency campaign aimed at heightening public awareness of the WHOs plans with the goal of deferring the international approval of those accords and requiring the U.S. Senate to provide its advice and consent prior to the Biden Administrations assent the Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations.
Those participating included Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), Representatives Ralph Norman (SC-5), Bob Good (VA-5), Chris Smith (NJ-4), Andy Biggs (AZ-5), Chip Roy (TX-21), Matt Rosendale (MT-2), Paul Gosar (AZ-9), Tom Tiffany (WI-7) and Scott Perry (PA-10) and the Sovereignty Coalition’s: Matt Schlapp (Chairman of the Conservative Political Action Coalition), Jenny Beth Martin (President, Tea Party Patriots Action), Tony Perkins (President, Family Research Council), Kris Ullman (President, Eagle Forum), Reggie Littlejohn (President, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers and Anti-Globalist International) and Frank Gaffney (Executive Chairman, Center for Security Policy). Watch the press conference HERE.
Notably, the Sovereignty Coalition released the results of a new national poll of 1,000 likely voters conducted last week by McLaughlin and Associates. As Senator Johnson observed, when asked “Do you want decisions about your health made by people you elect, or an international official appointed by the Chinese Communist Party?” respondents preferred our present system over the “global governance” alternative by a margin of nearly 75 to 9 percent. They also expressed a preference for a candidate who wants the Senate to approve the WHO treaties over one that doesn’t by a 64 to 16 percent margin.
The Coalition encourages patriotic Americans to learn more about the Biden administration’s plan to surrender our sovereignty and prevent the Senate from performing its constitutional duty of quality control on the two WHO treaties by visiting and join its “Not Now” Campaign at once. There is literally not a moment to lose.
To interview representatives of the Sovereignty Coalition, contact Matthew Franklin at
Shortly after the press conference, I called the White House comment line (202-456-1111). I told them that I'd read the treaty documents, and that I considered the administration's WHA activities to be among the great betrayals and deceptions in the history of executive branch government.
Biden's new pandemic surveillance plan must be stopped also.