Like I’ve mentioned on a number of occasions, it is time to send all foreign workers at the UN back home and close the facilities. After some renovations turn it into a residence for homeless vets. This is our country!

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Oh my gosh! Excellent idea!!! Let’s make it a really beautiful residence!

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Make it a "unanimous" vote in senate for approval - NO governance of US by the WHO spooks.

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I hope they and more do the same when the United Nations pull the same during their meeting this month

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The UN and the WHO have no authority over us unless we give it to them. I will not comply.🗽

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.... and all GODS children said, 'NO'!

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Thank you for this information.

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We must remove the World Health Organisation from our lives as they are now controlled financially by Bill Gates who wishes to depopulate the planet, amongst other insane ideas he has. And Gates plans to 'seed' the planet's atmosphere with materials which can cause clouds to rain and also deflect sunlight, thereby reducing the planet's temperature. He's made no secret about other unbelievable obsessions - HE HATES TREES! He's insane but with enough wealth to destroy the planet by creating the next ICE AGE!

The corrupt UN is another target we must dispose of because they now have an agenda that wants to control and dominate our every action, thought and initiative that doesn't suit the New World Order. There are enough insane dictators in the world. Surely Guteres will not be missed?

Unjabbed Mick (I'll live longer without corrupted maniacal intervention.)

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Standing with you.

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And it would appear that 24 of them have signed on to WHO and UN terrorism as well as 85-90% of congress. Not all that confident in these bozos stopping WHO and UN medical tyranny.

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Elect Trump to defund and dump the WHO. That is just one of many reasons the PTB will never let Trump when even if he received 160 million votes.

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Israel and Hamas made a temporary ceasefire for the sole purpose of letting the WHO carry out mass Polio vaccinations of Gazans and the polio vaccines are genetically engineered.


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Can anyone sign the open letter?

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Most exciting and the second brief Title is verbal linkage to the much earlier Brundtland report. This

small powerpoint done some 14 years ago, encapsilting Oregons decline. Oregon was deceived by Rockefeller, by using the 1972 "Man & his Biosphere" meeting and funding to OSU. This history is most helpful in exposing the intents of all of the later operations: http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/28345505

G. Harlow Brundtland was the Vice President of the World Socialiat Party. The report was later called "Our Common Future". The man who created this, was ahead of his time.

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66 likes out of 340 million Americans. What's wrong with the picture?

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This effort is getting no coverage by MSM !! You might know who owns 96% of the media, as well as a significant number of our "political representatives". Well, actually, we the US citizens have none, since there are so many dual citizens in US government. See you in comp!

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See you in camp!!

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