My personal health is nobody’s business. You come at me with your fuckin’n GMO injectables I’m big enough and strong enough to defend myself from being murdered and I will specifically injecte that shit into your eye. I will die fighting for freedom from tyrant headed by untalented half-cooked ingrates.

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Dear Tra Ders, This link http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-17/45.html is the way to rid ourselves of the United Nations altogether, because it is the Demand for the Government page that gives you power and control over the evils who want to control every aspect of our live.

I used to think that the UN was a good organization, but it certainly isn't. The whole edition, which is small, proves academically what the UN really is. See it at http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-17/index.html

God bless you and yours,

Arlene Johnson



To access the rest of my work, which is also top secret history, click on the icon that says Magazine.

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Time to evolve a NEW international organization that respects the sovereignty of all countries AND the right of their citizens to dissent from policies that directly affect their lives. A condition for joining would be active opposition to UN dictates and those of its organizations.

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Further, it should be located outside the US and exclude countries with a past and present colonial or imperialist agenda, as shown by behavior, not words.

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Www.nottwoispeace.org. “Global Cooperative Forum”. New model of global governance.

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There is a very simple solution to the WHO's techno-fascism: Withdraw from the WHO. These dystopian regs only apply to WHO members. And while we're at it, let's withdraw from the CCP-controlled UN. The next step for the UN is to follow in the footsteps of NATO -- turn its military/enforcement capabilities against the US and its people. How about occupying UN troops in U.S. cities in response to a PHEIC? This would satisfy the UN goal of chopping up the US into squabbling fiefdoms. The UN is already working with the Biden-Harris Junta and its NGOs to bring in 50-100 million illegals, and they are well on their way. Globalism is a disease.

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Of which Trump removed us from along w/ the Paris Act. Dems just keep enlisting us.

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We the people have determined that the unelected and now Gates corrupted, World Health Organisation and United Nations are obsolete and no longer fit for purpose!

They are both corrupt and so fail to represent the world's population. They are guided to create policies that suit the WEF's New World Order which is contrary to their original purpose. and what is best for the people.

The WHO & UN are now finished! we, the people, have spoken!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) terminating those who wish to take away our freedoms!

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Can you really believe Harris even understand where she is being led - by the nose? Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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We the people have determined that the unelected World Health Organisation and United Nations are obsolete and no longer fit for purpose!

They are both corrupt and so fail to represent the world's population. They are guided to create policies that suit the WEF's New World Order which is contrary to their original purpose.

The WHO & UN are now finished! we, the people, have spoken!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) terminating those who wish to take away our freedoms!

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From April, but still important strategic analysis for today:

Is the possibility of a World War real?

by Serge Marchand , Thierry Meyssan

Atomic war is possible. World peace hangs on the finger of the United States, blackmailed by Ukrainian "integral nationalists" and Israeli "revisionist Zionists". If Washington doesn’t deliver weapons to massacre the Russians and Gazans, they won’t hesitate to launch Armageddon.


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Nice to have an online link to watch or is www.sovereigntycoalition.org. Good enough?

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Thanks for the update and also including me.

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Why don't we all just make things easier by moving to Cuba, CCP China and North Korea?

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Well no please

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