We have sent this coming. This time we are not going to bite especially if Trump is in charge should put the WHO’s panties in a wad

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Trump is not your ally. He's a genocidal madman who serves the Deep State and so does his running mate JD Vance. Trump Tells Christians they won't ever have to vote again if they vote for him one last time and he also confessed he's not a Christian. That should have been obvious since Trump has no Christian values. Trump and his family are Jewish Zionists. Trump is also a pedophile that was involved with Jeffrey Epstein. The WHO is collaborating with Israel's genocide giving the polio jab to Palestinians and also to Israeli soldiers.






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Trump is not a Jew so far as I know & I am suspicious of you references, he says he is Christian, as is his wife; son in law and daughter are Orthodox Jews; Vance and his wife are Catholic.

Contrary to what you post Trump threw Epstein out of Mar a Lago, & if there was any halfway credible evidence of his pedophilia, you better believe that it would be all over the MSM and he would be charged with it in a NY court in a NY second.

Instead he started the first real efforts to limit & prosecute child trafficking.

What is your game? Do you think that the Biden, Clinton, Harris, &/or Obama Crime Families aren’t involved?

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Go watch the short video clip. Trump says he's not a Christian right after saying he loves Christians. Pope Francis is a Catholic too and he wants everyone forcibly vaccinated. Ignore the proven facts if you want but Trump isn't the martyr his supporters want him to be and the Deep State has made him appear to be. If the Deep State was really Trump's enemy that staged "assassination attempt" wouldn't have failed so miserably despite the terrible lack of security from the Secret Service. I never said other crime families aren't guilty of the same crimes as Trump. They're not arresting Trump for his sex crimes because they have big plans for him and all the elite families are protected by the Deep State for their most serious crimes.


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Yes, I listened to it, that is not what he says, and there are other people who agree with me, which was the basis for what I said. Listen, I know that you hate POTUS DJT and you have made your hateful antisemitism and anti Zionists and anti Israel and pro Hamas terrorist biases plain for God and all the world to see, so I am inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt, and accept that you are not straight out lying to me, but really believe what your mind says you are hearing in that tape is really what he said.

Now, I hope for his sake that he really has given his life to the Lord and Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.

But I am not a bigot like and I am voting for him for president for the third time because of his track record of putting the interests of the country first , MAGA. That is really the job of any president or politician to advance the legitimate interests of their own people and country.

He is my president, not my pastor, not my spiritual advisor, not my confessor, and I think that I am typical of his supporters, not the characture that you people make of us. So you can put it where the Sun don’t shine.

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C'mon man, you have one follower what are you trying to pull?

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You are crazy and indoctrinated by God knows who all!

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Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me

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Ariel Kallner from the Israeli Knesset should be kicked out of your coalition. Ariel Kallner supports the extermination of Palestinians calling for a second Nakba. Your coalition should not allow anyone to join who advocates genocide or violence against anyone and supports the persecution of human rights activists.



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Pandemic 2.0: mRNA Bird-Flu Shots



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Piss on that little birdy.

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Can the 9th Circuit's ruling re: mandates of LA County School District have national implications?

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Isn't it amazing, I grew up without any of this for 60 years , and now its every election season.

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